Charlotte began her career in education as a Level 2 ‘Modern Apprentice’ in Business Administration at Aylesbury College whilst in the role of Administrator for Work Based Learning. This expanded to include the 14-16 Increased Flexibility Contracts which Charlotte helped manage. Over the next 15 years Charlotte continued to progress with roles as Examination Coordinator, Centre Coordinator, e-Learning Coordinator and her final employed role as e-Portfolio Coordinator for National Training Provider: PeoplePlus.
Job titles are never fixed and added additions to these roles included becoming a qualified Assessor; taking learners through qualifications such as Business Administration, Customer Services, Employment Related Services and ICT Systems and Principles for IT Professionals. Charlotte also trained staff in the various systems used, either in person or online (BKSB, Learning Assistant, E-Track, bespoke online training systems including JourneyPlus and TNG/Avanta’s Advance 365).
Utilising her vast vocational experience, Charlotte decided to take a leap and become freelance full-time in 2017, also dedicating time to volunteer for LearnAppeal and become part of an international team working on modules in beekeeping using the Appittiere Evolve authoring tool.
As a freelancer Charlotte has completed projects for both educational and non-educational establishments, including multiple e-learning courses for an international company focused on providing energy and mobility flows using advanced technology solutions. Other highlights include assisting to build content for the Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Award in Setting up a Business Online for DYA and a study for a university in Agile Software Development Methods.
Together with creating content, going hand in hand with this Charlotte also voices it and has been known to appear in modules too (Employability Customer Journey course for TNG as part of the former Job Activity Coaching series of modules).
A variety of systems have featured throughout Charlotte’s career, from Maytas and PICS to LMS 365 and Canvas. Articulate products have featured heavily on the content development front. During the period in which Charlotte worked for National Training Providers, she gained over ten years’ experience of e-portfolio Learning Assistant and built courses on demand, utilising this skill as a freelancer.
With a unique all-round experience within vocational education, this enables Charlotte to understand instructional design requirements from not just a design perspective, but also a curriculum perspective. This also assists with an understanding of the administrative processes involved and quality assurance.
As an avid learner, (last apprenticeship at Level 4 undertaken at 32 years old) Charlotte can also relate to training from a learner’s perspective and her experience as an assessor and IQA is also advantageous when considering how to tie in learning to curriculum requirements.