The purpose of the Learning Resilience Network is to bring together virtual schools and colleges in a relatable forum. We aim to provide a platform for sharing best practise in all aspects of teaching and learning online.
The network itself is global and therefore we benefit from drawing experience on this transnational level.
We held our first symposium on 10th May 2021 with a focus on lessons learned from Covid-19 and our second is currently in the works.
Through further symposiums with specific themes and the continuation of sharing news and research through our Virtual Schools and Colleges Group on LinkedIn, we hope to grow the tools we use to collaborate best practise in the future .
Our dedicated email for the Learning Resilience Network is visced@dualversity.co.uk should you wish to contact us.

Registrations are open: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/learning-resilience-network-lrn-33237081273